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Wellness Center,
City College of San Francisco

San Francisco, CA

​The irregular, complex layout of this new 156,000-sq.-ft. facility requires a lateral structural system comprised of special concentric braced frames and reinforced concrete shear walls supported on a continuous concrete grid footing system. Due to its location at the bottom of a big hill, the project requires complicated shoring to accommodate the building’s basement and a partial floor. SOHA designs a sophisticated system of tiebacks and soldier beams to stabilize up to 30 feet of soil. The project includes a large gymnasium featuring architecturally exposed long-span trusses, a computerized fitness center, a dance theater complex, staff offices, student health services, and an indoor swimming pool.


594 Howard Street, Suite 400

San Francisco, CA 94105
T | (415)
989-9900 / 
E |


Small, Local,

Business Enterprise

SOHA is certified Small LBE

with San Francisco

1670 Alvarado Street, Suite 3 

San Leandro, CA 94577
T | (510) 444-5577 / E |


Small, Local,

Emerging Business

SOHA is certified SLEB

with Alameda County

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