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SOHA is a leading designer of deep excavation shoring and underpinning. Our development of the innovative eccentric soldier pile/tieback connection is widely imitated and results in substantial cost savings for both project owners and contractors.


SOHA’s services to the construction industry include providing temporary support for existing structures during renovation, repair, or seismic upgrade. We support heavily loaded building columns during foundation replacement, floor or roof framing during wall reconstruction, and construction loads such as movable crane systems.


Whether working for the project owner, architect, general contractor, or shoring subcontractor, our designs are carefully coordinated with the entire project team to ensure compatibility with the new construction design concept and construction method.


Our engineers are talented designers who are both creative and cost-conscious. Their skills help us meet the challenges of today’s business climate. We are committed to developing a framework in which our clients and colleagues can succeed.


594 Howard Street, Suite 400

San Francisco, CA 94105
T | (415)
989-9900 / 
E |


Small, Local,

Business Enterprise

SOHA is certified Small LBE

with San Francisco

1670 Alvarado Street, Suite 3 

San Leandro, CA 94577
T | (510) 444-5577 / E |


Small, Local,

Emerging Business

SOHA is certified SLEB

with Alameda County

© 2024 SOHA Engineers. All rights reserved.


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